Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Almost a dozen

Darn the life of a working mother.. barely no time remaining for chicken blogging. Still only one laying hen. If CooCoo, who is over 12 weeks, does not start laying soon she may become chicken pot pie.
My 4 year old has become an expert egg collector (now if I could just get him to feed and water the chicks). He has collected 11 eggs (we lost a few to droppage) and he is pretty excited to fill out the whole egg carton.  I don't know why but he won't let us eat any of the eggs until the carton is full. Kind of ruining the point of "fresh" eggs, but they will be fine. I think you can keep them up to 6 weeks or something in the fridge.. someone correct me if I am wrong. I am sure I have kept store eggs longer but probably shouldn't have.

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